Receive a short email each day for 2 weeks, with a practical action that you can easily incorporate into your day, to start to turn down the negative voices in your head, so you can be more effective.

Sometimes our thoughts are helpful and sometimes they are not. By practicing slowing them down, and creating space, we start to gain crucial awareness which allows us to make better decisions. We begin to respond instead of react. Our actions become more inspired. We tap into power that we didn’t have access to before – the power of the present moment – and the things that have blocked us from making positive change in the past start to fall away. It’s not just a matter of learning the “how.” You need to act your way into an experience. Meditating and reading a few affirmations once in the morning isn’t enough. You need a way to consistently take action. I’ll send you a simple tip each day, that you can easily incorporate into your regular schedule, that doesn’t require any extra time. All you need is an open mind.
Enter your name and email to get started!
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There is no charge, obligation, or catch. Other than the initial 14 emails, I’ll send out a weekly blog post, typically involving a story from my experiences in business, mindfulness, music, video production, and sobriety. You can unsubscribe any time. Even if we’re friends – it’s ok, I won’t be upset!